How the Sun drives the Ninth Wave of the Mayan calendar

What is the role of the Sun in the Mayan calendar system? Well, the Mayan name of the sacred 260-day calendar is tzolkin, which usually is translated as “the count of days” but actually means “the count of Suns” as the word kin means Sun. The sacred calendar also has a day-sign representing the Sun that is called Ahau. This nagual signifies the life-giving power of the Sun, often associated with leadership, creation, and spiritual power. It represents the divine aspect of the Sun deity called “Kinich Ahau” in Mayan mythology and since it is the last of the twenty day-signs it points to a completion of the evolutionary processes that this calendar describes. If there is a word that today’s Maya would use to describe the one God it would be this Ahau. Already based on this we can see that the Sun must have played a significant role in their beliefs about the universe.

Sometimes, we also hear of our own era as being called the Fifth Sun. This is probably an inheritance from the Aztec tradition, whose famous calendar stone is sometimes confused with the Mayan calendar and used to symbolize this. This calendar stone is still interesting as it is sometimes referred to as the Sun Stone. At its center, it has the Sun God Tonatiuh, who is surrounded by the twenty day-signs of the sacred calendar and in another circle by the compass rose of the eight directions. Since this is consistent with the Mayan creation story and the same sacred calendar, we may assume that the Maya looked upon time in a similar way and in other words the Sun played a central role in their calendar system. Every time period was looked upon as “of the sun” meaning that it was seen as generated by the Sun. And, of course almost all ancient peoples worshipped the Sun and looked at this as an expression of the divine. 

In our modern world, many would say that it is natural that people in ancient times worshipped the Sun because after all, all life on Earth directly depends on the Sun. Without it, there would have been no plants and no animals who eat the plants and so not much for us to live from. More immediately, there would be no warmth on our planet as the Earth is orbiting the Sun in a so-called Goldilock zone that has exactly the right amount of heat from the Sun for higher life to emerge. So, it seems that for very good physical reasons we should be grateful to the Sun.

But are the physical reasons all there is to it when it comes to the role of the Sun? When the ancient peoples worshipped the Sun, it seems that it was not so much about its physical aspects, but more because of the divine aspects of the Sun and its role in creation.. They sensed that the Sun was conveying cosmic information to the humans on this planet and what I mentioned about the Aztecs and the Maya above seems to support exactly such a view. On my own part, I have believed that the Sun plays such a role as part of the heliospheric level mediating creative power from the cosmic centre to the Earth in a kind of nested hierarchy of holons that create the fractal-holographic universe that we live in (see below).

I show my own modern understanding of this above an ancient Mixtec picture below it. The latter shows how (via a serpent) a particular Yin/Yang duality is transferred from the Sun down to what seems to be a court scene on Earth and it shows the same eight-partitioned compass rose as the Aztec Sun stone. (The Mixtecs were neighbours of the Maya and have left behind a number of codices that may teach us important things about life in Mesoamerica.) This image seems to imply that geometries (and an obvious Yin/Yang-polarity of the couple in the sky) may be transferred via the Sun and serve to shape the human mind and so also life on Earth. We may not be able to see these geometries in the state of consciousness that we are currently in, but the kind of eight-partitioned Sun that this image shows is present in much art from the 6th Wave depicting the sun. My own ancestors in the Nordic tradition would for instance call such a circle a “Sun Cross” and you may look at several other examples here: There are then reasons to believe that the Sun mediated the various states of consciousness to the human beings in the form of geometric structures including the cross of the circle which is the Tree of Life. Why would the ancients refer to these symbols with crosses as Solar, if there would not be any truth to the idea that the Sun conveys geometries?

But if the sun mediated geometries from the 6th Wave (which started in 3115 BCE) it is also reasonable to assume that the Sun mediated (and maybe served to focus) the geometric structures also of other Waves including the Ninth Wave. Since at least according to the Maya, the tzolkin was mediated by the Sun, we may then wonder if there is any evidence that the calendar system of nine Waves and in particular the Ninth Wave also has been directly mediated by the Sun. When it comes to the daily shifts between day-signs, the Earth’s own rotation around its axis takes care of those shifts and as you may see below, the Sun at lower latitudes rotates with a period of around 26 days or in other words two trecenas (thirteen-day cycles) of daily tzolkin energies. There are then also reasons based on modern astronomy to believe that the Sun may convey the information of the sacred calendar.

But then, what about the Ninth Wave (,) which now begins a new phase of ascension? Since the Sun is gaseous its surface rotates with different periods at different latitudes as you can see in the image. These range from about 26 days at the equator to 36 days at the poles. And so, the polar axis of the Sun has the same period, 36 days, as the Ninth Wave. As a consequence the two also have the same frequencies. (I am grateful to Margarita Mullerova from the Czech republic who pointed out the conspicuous rotation frequency of the solar axis to me). I think it is highly unlikely that the identity of the solar axis frequency and that of the Ninth Wave is just an accident, especially given the kind of beliefs about the Sun that ancient peoples had.

What does the finding that the rotation frequency of the Sun is the same as the Ninth Wave then mean? There are different interpretations and conclusions of this that are possible. The one I embrace is that the Sun has always (or for a few billion years) had the same frequency that humanity is now meant to attain through the Ninth Wave. Yet, it was only on March 9, 2011 that it would actually start transmitting information from the cosmic centre to the Earth. The Sun in other words would be acting somewhat like a radio sender where it first sets the frequency before it starts to send the new state of consciousness. For anyone who thinks that the various frequencies and physical constants are just accidental this might seem quite mysterious or not even worth considering. Yet, in my view it does make it clear that the Mayan calendar system is mediated by the Sun even if I believe that its origin is to be found on a higher cosmic level. This would however also strengthen the idea that the evolution of life on Earth is pre-planned and that events in the fractal-holographic cosmos is timed accordingly. The Sun was so to speak preparing for us to come here and evolve to the Ninth Wave and maybe in some sense that is hard for us to fathom it is alive. 

In another sense this finding verifies that another prediction of mine has come true. Some people with a more materialist perspective who thought that the Mayan calendar was based on the precession of the equinoxes (without evidence) rather than the nine waves of creation would question the relevance or even existence of the Ninth Wave. It might have seemed that they had a point as the ancient Maya did not mention the Ninth Wave in their inscriptions. They did however build pyramids in nine levels and the Tortuguero Monument 6 talked about the Nine-Step deity Bolon Yookte Kuh who would appear in his full regalia in our own time presumably pointing to the manifestation of all the nine waves. Yet, for the ancients there was no reason to talk about the 7th, 8th or 9th Waves in any detail as those did not play any roles for their societies in their own time. The 7th Wave was activated only in 1755 and the 8th in 1999, centuries after the high culture of the Maya.

The Ninth Wave was only activated March 9, 2011, even if a pre-Wave had started 234 days earlier and it was a logical consequence of the whole system of waves that it would have a period of 36 days. Many people who have followed it could experience the ups and downs of this Wave and has maybe been increasingly able to do so as time has gone by. The Ninth is the Wave that brings a geometry fostering unity. Yet, it is only now that we can see that it coincides with a frequency which plays a predominant role in our solar system as it determines the rotational speed of the Sun. The systems of the Nine Waves of creation and the physical planetary system that we are part of is thus converging. This has potentially great consequences as the rotational momentum of the Sun (the speed of its rotation multiplied with its mass) plays a significant role as it is so much larger than those of all the planets. The revolution times and rotational movements of the planets then would ultimately go back to the rotational momentum of the Sun. If this is true, it also means that astrologies based on planetary movements ultimately go back to the Ninth Wave and the rotation speed of the Sun and so are subordinated to the Nine Waves of Creation. In the end, consciousness is primary to matter and runs the whole show!

14 thoughts on “How the Sun drives the Ninth Wave of the Mayan calendar

  1. I’ve been having a beautiful Divine Relationship with the SUN for some years now. It’s so nice to hear your clear words on the matter of our beautiful SUN !!

  2. The ninth wave or the sun shall not be relevant unless this can strengthen a certain way of thinking, feeling and behaving among humans. Get rid of fanatical devotion to idols, “causes” where humans become frantically eager to kill and fearlessly eager to die resulting the mass murder of warfare now raging throughout the world, and get rid of dominance of feelings of anger and/or fear. THE WAY TO BECOME DOMINANT HAS TO BE Functioning by the kingdom of heaven within and among persons, which kingdom is:—
    multiplication or development of one’s given talents; Matthew 25:14-30;
    the leaven (catalyst) of development; Matthew 13:33;
    arising of itself without coercion, freely, spontaneously; Mark 4:26-29;
    in reconciliation between human and God,
    human and human, and within each human being; Matthew 18:21-35;
    the reconciling motive underlying; Luke 17:3-4;
    worldwide and often unawares, even to some degree within the unbelievers, like the Pharisees of the time; Luke 17:20-21.
    This fundamental way of human functioning can be generally and simply described as functioning through creativity in liberty and peace, including action that is not resisted.—
    It constitutes good spiritual health for humanity, yet like the matter of physical health,
    it tends to be never outright opposed, yet it tends to be remarkably ignored.
    This fundamental way of human functioning produces among other blessings, spontaneously and naturally without any coercion, freely, the gifts [what-is-caught καρπός karpos in original Greek] and results of the Holy Ghost as listed in the writings of the apostle Paul, being love [affection or benevolence ἀγάπη agape in original Greek],
    joy, peace, longsuffering [much patience μακροθυμία makrothumia in original Greek], usefulness [χρηστότης chrestotes in original Greek], goodness [behave in ways which decrease resistance and conflict], faith [confident trust and reliability], meekness [kindness-mildness πραΰτης prautes in original Greek], temperance [strong self-control ἐγκράτεια egkrateia in original Greek]. See Galatians 5:22-23.

  3. Thank you Carl and Margarita for sharing this extraordinary insight of the connection between the 9th Wave and the 36 day rotation of the polar axis of our sun … I have a feeling that the next Solar pole shift may also pulse the planet into our next wave of awakening and evolution.

  4. Sun gazing at dawn and dusk, alongside meditating while looking at the sun with my eyes closed is both physically and emotionally healing.

  5. Carl’s “Ninth Wave” is all about a re-Creation of our earthly reality from it’s present state of discordant frequencies to One of cohesion; and thus an optimistic consciousness shift from our previous ‘Worlds’ of unsustainability…let it be so

  6. Definitions are extremely important. They sometimes seem to get forgotten in the mix of arguments.
    For instance, how to define God or deity or divinity. How to define intelligence or design. How to define consciousness. How to define life and what is alive and what is not alive. What should one mean by the term unity of opposites. Sloppy definitions lead to needless strife. Therefore, stop and think and agree
    upon definitions. Truth tends to be in the details. So-called objective truth tends to be through consensus, like if the majority of people describe the given leaves as green, then that is taken to be the
    objective truth, and any one person or smaller group insisting that those leaves are blue will be judged mistaken or hallucinating or something wrong with their color perception.—Okay, so can consciousness be defined as a certain process with complexities of motions, equilibria, including changing packets-quanta, meaning sudden leaps within motion and change,—so the limitations of human language become tested, because human language operates through “names” which are actually very inaccurate generalizations,—think of the language statement “a cat ran across the street” how many details are omitted and how generalized and inaccurate is the information conveyed by that one statement, like nothing is said about the size, breed or color of the cat, or about the exact configuration of the street.
    Apostle Paul did come to a very worthwhile definition of God, as “in God” we all live and move and have our being-continuity. So we are “within” God. If anyone talks about God being “within” a human being, then that is a very different definition of God.—You are invited to consider, contemplate, meditate and pray over all that.—And yet in what way, if in any way at all, does all this thinking and concentration influence the warfare horrors now going on in Ukraine or in Gaza. Russian supremacists seek to exterminate the Ukrainians as grabbing for the land that the Ukrainians now occupy. Israeli fanatics seek to exterminate the Gazans, making them holy martyrs in furtherance of the looming background Islamic crusade against all the non-Islamic world.

  7. Thank you, Carl, for your explanations around the Mayan calendar. I have for a long time “known” that life and consciousness comes to us through the sun (not just “from” the sun), like a sort of lens. Years ago while contemplating the solar disc above, I heard a voice say, “Heal the sun.” I’ve some to understand that our lives here and the life of our beautiful planet rooted in the sun and to “heal” the latter is to simply radiate back to it, love and gratitude. That to me seems a more effective way to raise the vibration of both humanity and the Earth, and is an imperative duty in these times of trial and burgeoning darkness.

  8. Hello Carl, thank you for this amazing article with important information to be digested and understand, thx to Margarita Mullerova …”In the end, consciousness is primary to matter and runs the whole show!” …. And it is the 9th Wave that is the bridge, it holds the codes of the Divine…to awaken our memory to be conscious of the Will of Universal Source, and by this we can live in fulfilment of our true purpose… best….

  9. Hi there, I came across your book in a used book store a couple of years ago. I hadn’t read it, today I started reading The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness. It’s resonating. I’m a Salvadoran American Artist, and I use my artwork to connect to my indigenous ancestry. I wanted to ask what other books that you’ve written and even others that you haven’t that you would recommend I read. I would appreciate any suggestions. My email is:, my website is

    Thank you!

  10. Hello Carl. I’ve been reading several of your books and want to thank you for this bold new cosmology that you are giving. I suspect that you have had to deal with tremendous resistance and criticism from colleagues in the academic community and mainstream science advocates. As one who has been deeply disturbed by the failure of modern physics (mainstream science) to provide a coherent grand view that makes sense and rings true to the life we live, I just want to let you know how comforting your presentation of this amazing cosmology has been for me. And it has motivated me to become part of the evolutionary collective (Patricia Albere’s initiative) to help activate the ninth wave consciousness in these trying times. Fortitude and love to you to continue this hero’s work,

    1. Thank You Ron,
      Actually when it comes to the academic community I have not been met with resistance. It simply refuses me to speak. If they would have criticized my work they would risk creating a discussion that would reveal that so much of modern science is false or at least profoundly misleading based on an agenda that is basically anti-spiritual. What is more surprising than the academic community are all the alternative researchers, who simply avoids my work and leads people astray into individualistic agendas. Please keep your intentions up, because even if our times are difficult they will not last.

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