If we are looking for some knowledge and wisdom that the ancients have imparted on us that is still relevant today, there really is nothing that compares to the Mayan calendar. The Mayan calendar was created from the state of consciousness the ancients were in, which may give a deeper perspective on reality than most modern sources give. As a reflection of this, in a recent article (Did the Mayan Calendar predict the end of the World?) I pointed out that the Mayan calendar system, far from predicting the end of the world, is life-affirming and in principle will continue to chart the shifting energies of time forever. These are not just philosophical musings, but since it is based on numbers, we can connect this calendar to science. Thus, it can also help us understand the history of the universe, what it is here for and where we are meant to be going with it.
Hence, in many regards the Mayan calendar really does stand out as unique. Especially important is the fact that it has a direction, meaning that the evolution of consciousness is going somewhere. It is a quantized system in which consciousness is primary to matter, which makes it fundamentally different from common astrology and lots of other systems that are based on the physical reality. Given this, it is somewhat surprising that it receives so little attention at the current time, which many people point to as a critical juncture for the destiny of humanity. Much of the reason for this is that the information given about it by academic and also independent researchers leading up to the year 2012 was so incorrect and profoundly misleading. As a result, the Mayan calendar itself was blamed for the unrealistic expectations created by faulty interpretations based on poor scholarship. This, in turn means that understanding how the Mayan calendar continues into the future requires a reappraisal of the ideas about it presented before 2012 in order for us to change them for the better. This is all the more important as August 21, 2024 a new trecena of the 8th Wave is beginning, which is likely to bring about a major change in how we perceive the world and where it is meant to go. (A trecena is a sequence of thirteen periods of time, which could range from single days to billions of years. It is an evolutionary process that mythologically was described as a process from seed to fruit. Such trecenas influence processes on all levels of the universe.) The upcoming trecena will influence our experience of life and what direction the world takes from August 21, 2024 until June 14, 2037 or in other words for a period of thirteen tuns (360-day periods).
When reappraising the view that dominated people before 2012 about the Mayan calendar, I would like to start by pointing out that the whole idea that this calendar (let alone the world) would come to an end on December 21, 2012 was wrong in so many ways. First of all, as I discussed in the previous article, the Mayan calendar does not end, but is made up of cyclical quantum waves that as far as we know go on forever. The thought held by many that the cosmos would change in this single day was also completely unfounded. Secondly, December 21, was not the true energetic shift point of the thirteen baktuns called the Long Count. The true shift point was October 28, 2011. The fact that the majority of researchers promoted the December 21, 2012 date in fact came to have quite dire negative consequences. The reason is that the year 2012 was a very uneventful year and on the particular date of December 21, 2012 nothing worthy of note happened. Thus, it is no wonder that people after this gave up on the Mayan calendar and came to think of it is as an unreliable source of knowledge. The year 2011, which I had predicted to mean the activation of the 9thWave on March 9, in contrast was quite eventful bringing both the Arab Spring and the Occupy Movement. These were large-scale movements reflecting a burgeoning unity consciousness that protested against the rule of banksters and dictators and sought to develop politics based on higher values. Such movements were so prominent in 2011 all over the planet that Time Magazine rather than appointing a “Person of the year” this year placed “the Protester” on its cover at the end of 2011. If only people at a larger scale had known that this came after the shift on March 9, 2011 after the Ninth wave had been activated, then at least they would have interpreted this movement for improving the world as a reflection of the Mayan calendar and concluded that at least a fraction of humanity temporarily had reached the state of consciousness that it was meant to go towards.
Instead of the intense desire for change, things however started to slow down after the actual shift date on October 28, 2011. The new energy that emerged after this date in fact was quite opposite to that of the protests in 2011. At least politically, after this shift the future has become more and more bleak over time and many countries have seen a rise to power of dictators and strongmen quite in contrast to in the year 2011. The popular movements in Egypt and Syria, to name two important cases, very evidently were turned on their heads. Beginning in 2012, the feeling of forward movement disappeared and after a number of years the pandemic hit and climate change became a palpable reality. The political system in the United States came under direct threat, industrial scale warfare reappeared in Ukraine and Israel and the hopes that were ignited in 2011 have largely been thwarted. I am not saying that some people with a positive vision for humanity could just have turned these events around, but at least if they had known the right date for the “shift of the ages,” October 28, 2011, it would have been easier to understand why things did not seem to be going in a positive direction.
But also the concept of the “shift of the ages” is somewhat misleading. The only ancient inscription that describes this critical time, the Tortuguero Monument nr 6, describes it as if Bolon Yookte Kuh, the nine-step or nine-support deity, would “appear in his full regalia”. It is obvious that this inscription can be interpreted in different ways, but to me it does not necessarily imply a shift of the ages. Rather, the “full regalia” would mean that all nine waves shaping consciousness in the universe would have appeared and become accessible. This, would be consistent with the events in 2011, but by itself does not explain the downturn beginning in 2012. To understand this, I believe that we have to reassess our views of the Mayan calendar more broadly and be willing to accept that the Mayan calendar alternates between time periods of creative construction (peaks or days) and periods of rest or destruction (valleys or nights) in between. The Mayan calendar system describes exactly the times (and at what levels of the cosmic pyramid) when such shifts would take place. Hence, in order for something new to be created the old must be destroyed to create the space for the coming. In ancient times these alternating energies were simply accepted as real or as part of a cycle of life-death and rebirth even if the Maya were unique in timing these cycles.
This was what created the prophetic art practiced by the ancient Maya, which was not based on astronomy but on shifts in the underlying quantum field. Yet, such an ongoing struggle between forward movement and destruction may seem quite alien to modern people and especially those who have lived in the unusually prosperous era following WWII. Based on this, most have come to believe very strongly in a linear concept of time. Yet, even if we believe that the universe is benevolent and has a good plan in store for us and our universe, there will according to the Mayan calendar and ancient cosmologies of death and rebirth by necessity be periods of hardships in between the easy times. Even if the period since the October 28, 2011 has been relatively prosperous in a material sense, the same cannot be said about our psychological and spiritual states and the feelings that something has gone wrong have become quite prominent. Even on an individual level the world has become more difficult to navigate with the belief systems that we may have created before 2011. Yet, with a recognition that there is a cycle of life-death and rebirth of people as well as phenomena, we do not have to believe that the driving force behind the evolution of the universe is some kind of conspiracy. Instead, the cyclical movements alternating between periods of light and darkness are an inherent part of this creation that are subject to an exact time plan.
Another thing I think we need to understand is that the direction the universe has given to us to follow leads to the top of a nine-level pyramid (Bolon Yookte Kuh) and that to get there requires a “climb” (symbolically speaking) through different states of consciousness (see Fig 1). This climb made up of a number of quantum leaps however has to be made step-by-step and none of the nine levels of the pyramid can be skipped, at least not if you look upon it as part of a common endeavour of humanity. Every level provides a foundation for the next higher level to be created on top of it. For humanity as a whole to reach the 9th state of consciousness, there is thus quite some transformational work to be undertaken even if it had a temporary effect in the year 2011, the first time it had become more broadly accessible. While most people have been strongly influenced by the 8th Wave, if nothing else through the digitalization of the world, and touched by the 9th Wave, many are still predominantly influenced by the 6th and 7th Waves and the phenomena that these brought. This means that to complete the climb on a collective level, much more work will be required. What is also required is an intention and willingness to do so. We may here consider how few people actually were directly involved in the 9th Wave in 2011 and how few that were able to retain this temporary state when the waves all shifted into valleys in 2012. These difficulties however do not mean that it is impossible and a critical factor for this is to what extent we can make use of the supportive energies in time periods that are positive and for this we need enough of knowledge of the Mayan calendar system.
Fig 1. The Nine-storied pyramid with the different waves, states of consciousness and activation dates.
What this is telling us is that in order to reach the 9th Wave, you first need to have climbed to the 8th Wave. Thus, we need to study this Wave in order to understand how it relates to the current shift somewhat more in detail: The 8th Wave is a dualist wave that brings the potential for people to download a state of consciousness that expanded the energy of the eastern hemisphere/right brain half. This Wave was activated on January 5,1999 and after 12.8 years (a trecena of 13 tun each of 360 days) it, as well as the other waves, went into the valley following October 28, 2011. All the waves after this date simply continued oscillating (Hence the name of the Plumed Serpent) between peaks (days) and valleys (nights) tun by tun into the future. In the Mayan calendar system, the trecena (count of thirteen) is of primary importance (This is why the Plumed Serpent was seen as the supreme deity) to follow as it is through trecenas that cosmic time is structured. As October 28, 2011 was a date when trecenas on several levels ended, October 29, 2011 was also a time when new trecenas began. Yet, to complicate things the trecenas starting October 28, 2011 would begin with a dark valley and then also end with such a dark valley. Such a trecena we can call a dark or negative trecena. At least in the Mayan view a time period that begins with a dark energy will also to some extent in its entirety be dark. It is then not very surprising that the trecena that is now ending has not been one that has had a strong forward movement. What is important to know in this context is however that August 21, 2024 a new trecena begins and it starts with a peak (or day). This makes it likely for this to have a stronger direction towards a positive future. Hence, we can call the trecena now beginning (Fig 2) a positive or light trecena and even before it has been activated a shift has become evident.
My collaborator Sean Caulfield should get the credit for first having seen the importance of the August 21, 2024 date (https://theuniversalfrequency.com). Understanding this date also has wide-ranging ramifications as to how we may look at the future, where we are meant to go and I will only touch about this briefly here. Yet, arguably the August 21, 2024 date is the most important milestone in the Mayan calendar system since October 28, 2011 and the shift has also generated a new positive clarity as to the long-term future of the Mayan calendar and its consequences for humanity beyond any form of millennialism. This is not a calendar that lost its relevance in 2011 and it may now be more important than ever. Overall, you can say that the trecena (October 28, 2011- August 21, 2024) that we are now leaving has been a time period when many people have lost hope about the future of humanity.
The new trecena beginning on August 21, 2024 on the other hand starts and ends with a peak of light and this means that we will come to experience much more of a forward direction than in the previous trecena. The best guess I think is that it will be something of a repeat of the trecena that ruled Jan 5, 1999-October 28, 2011 and will create a more stable platform for those of the 8th Wave who want to climb to the full unity consciousness of the 9th. Wave. It is to this state of consciousness that humanity is meant to go and the shifting energies are meant to lead us. This does not mean that the coming time will be a rose garden since also forward movement will lead to the destruction of what is old and does not serve the evolution of consciousness to the 9th Wave. Even if we may not know if we will be able to reach the 9thWave as a collective, we can still say with some certainty that this is where we are meant to go and that the new trecena will facilitate this. By itself this may thus serve for guidance.
You may then wonder if this coming time will be a good time for all? Almost certainly not. Institutions or even nations may collapse. Many people seem to think that shifts in consciousness are inherently “good,” but how you value a shift depends very much on what you identify with and what you want for the future. A shift in consciousness may strengthen some aspects of the human beings and change history, but almost invariably it will also mean the weakening of the opposite aspects. This is the reason no one can simply say that good things are coming. On a more physical level, things may thus become worse even if a feeling will be regained that things are developing in the right direction. Since people to different degrees have developed resonance with the different Waves, they will also value things differently. Some people are only interested in what is good for themselves, whereas others are concerned about the common good. This is why shifts in consciousness often lead to intensified conflicts between people. If for instance, there is a shift in the cosmos towards more feminine energies, it could mean that this will be difficult and basically undesirable for someone who strongly identifies with the male energies. If you very strongly identify with a Western power such as the United States, you are not likely to be happy with a shift in consciousness that favours the Eastern Hemisphere, etc. To accept change, I think we have to realize that the cosmic plan for the evolution of consciousness has a much bigger perspective than what we as individuals may like. The trecena that now begins on August 21 is indeed likely to favour the East, but this in a broad perspective to set an end to the dominance of either direction and prepare for a balance on a global scale, something that can only happen if a sizable proportion of humanity attains the state of consciousness of the 9th Wave and we are still mostly talking about a preparation for this.
All of this goes counter also to millennialist prophecies in a more positive sense. Even if the leap to the 9th Wave will be increasingly supported by a number of cosmic peak energies to come, there is nothing to wait for to see this manifested. It is like humanity with this 2nd trecena of the 8th Wave is getting a second chance to make the leap to unity consciousness, and with it deepened love and compassion for their fellow beings. Maybe there will also be a third and fourth chance etc at repeated trecenas that are going to follow. In a perspective that leads thousands or even millions of years into the future, additional trecenas of the 7th Wave and the 6th Wave may also come into play and serve to strengthen the attainment of the same goal. So even if the Mayan calendar system retains a clear direction towards the unity consciousness of the 9th Wave, shifts will continue endlessly and life will never become unchanging. There certainly was not only one “shift of the ages,” and many more are to come. At the same time, as the climb towards the highest level of the pyramid continues, people will develop resonance with the 9th state of unity consciousness and look at the world through this. This, in turn will mean that the negative projections of darkness, and hence blame, onto our fellow human beings and on nature will decrease and there will come a time when many of the negative features of our current time will have been reversed. People will become more loving and peaceful, even if shifts will continue endlessly at the lower levels of the pyramid.
For all of these reasons, the August 21, 2024 shift in the Mayan calendar and the activation of a new trecena of tuns at this date, is a really big deal. It means that we can leave behind not only the widely spread idea that the Mayan calendar is about the end of the world. It also means that we can understand the true meaning of the shift at October 28, 2011 and assimilate how the Mayan calendar continues deep into the future. As a consequence, we can leave behind millennialism in any form. The world as a whole may not be able to undergo a shift to unity consciousness immediately, but there will be an increased clarity of the direction in which things are meant to go already in this upcoming trecena. The time it will take for the planet to become dominated by the 9th Wave will presumably depend on the amount of effort people will put into it and no one can tell for sure about this. Depending on how strongly and favourably humanity responds to this process our world will be moving in the direction of unity consciousness. August 21, 2024, which also happens to be the beginning of a new sacred calendar round of 260 days, may then also be a good day for setting intentions and celebrate with a large-scale vision towards the future of humanity and your on place in it.
39 thoughts on “August 21, 2024, A Major Milestone in the Mayan Calendar: The Activation of a new Positive Trecena of the 8th Wave”
Thanks so much for this clarification! Your updates mean a lotto all of us. Thank you!
Thank you.
Amazing clarity Carl
Thank you Carl for carrying the torch and leading the way in disseminating this vitally important ancient inspired knowledge and wisdom.
The world makes so much more sense looking through the lens of the Mayan Calendar.
In Lak’ech
Nej, inte världens undergång men däremot att världen var färdigskapad.
Thank you for another insightful article, Carl! Your guidance is truly meaningful in this day and age!
I recall from one of your books that you said that after the 9th wave was activated in 2011, there would no longer be secrets and hidden events; that lots of hidden things would be revealed like never before; this does seem to be happening as more and more people are becoming aware of who really rules them and the processes that affect their lives and what has been going on behind the scenes and how our history in many ways has been “edited” to the rulers’ advantage, etc.
I used to be a little bit too optimistic in earlier writings hoping that everything would change as the 9th Wave was activated in 2011 and as I have expressed in the article there was a backlash. The 6th Wave that created the empires, religions and nations ruled by monarchs still as you are saying much rules the minds of people and in our own time manifests in great inequalities of wealth and power. How to change this state of affairs remains an important task.
1) I do not believe the Mayan Calendar was to predict the end of the world. Who would even think that? No one I know thinks that. It predicts cycles of time. 2) We don´t progress as this planet is full of minions who actively work against our shifts of consciousness, we take one step forward, the minions take us 2 steps back. So, the only true lasting climb up the pyramid will be getting rid of the minions and their power structures. 3) The last thing we need is for the USA to fall and for China to come up. China is still a very backward place that live in NAZI energies. I don´t trust China at all, so if power shifts to the East right now, we will see the end of all freedom, not some beautiful new beginning.
Just be aware that the waves of creation are not linear
and not base all assessments on what they seem like in the present moment.
Personally, I think that competition is a negative factor in today’s world
of nations as it will continue to prevent peace.
Amazing timing. I had noted last week that there was going to be a big shift around this time (I was also looking at the Tzolkin calendar) and have felt something really strong brewing. I experienced it as a bottoming out – almost having to reach a nadir of technological distraction before being ‘released’ into a holistic ‘natural’ state of creativity, abundance, flow and hope. If the 8th wave is the one responsible for things like digital life and AI – and we all know how that narrative has gone (quite negatively and towards authoritarian power plays like facial recognition and GenAI taking people’s intellectual property)… how do you anticipate an 8th wave trecena going – in light of those ubiquitous factors?
Fist of all. I think any serious student of the Mayan calendar needs to be aware of the shifting energies of the tzolkin. At the same time, we should be clear that it is just an identically repeated cycle of 260 days and hence will not be able to inform us about the long-term changes that influence our world. To see the big picture we also need to be aware of what happens with the nine major waves of creation.
The implementation of a new state of consciousness with a new wave such as in this case the new trecena potentially has a wide range of possibilities. The 8th Wave by itself meant a shift to a new dualist state favoring the light on the right brain, this was markedly evidenced through the immensely increased role of women in all human endeavors. It also meant an enormous strengthen ing of the big asian powers China and more recently also India (If you go back to 1999 when I talked about the coming rise of China it was hardly on the map. In addition this state of consciousness which was dualistic (binary) also brought the digitalization of the world, with smart technologies and social media and more recently AI. It also made people more separate. So a shift in consciousness can mean a whole range of different phenomena. It is not deterministic meaning that our choices and how conscious we are of these cosmic processes may determine how a state of consciousness plays out.
For those who worry about the shift in energy from West to East. The current wave of energy in the United States has just moved towards a female Indian/Jamaican with great enthusiasm. We are not necessarily seeing the rise of destructive power in the East, but perhaps the addition of influence from the East toward the West in a big way. The point is to achieve balance. Clearly, we are not meant to find balance through the past lens of pillage and conquer. I for one embrace the rise of the Eastern influence, as there is much to be gained by incorporating the best of those cultures with our own to find that balance. Thanks to Carl, and also to Sean, for the very important life-affirming work you do. xoxo Tala Waterdragon
I really agree with you. Carl
but fog 2 is missing
It has been placed there now.
Thank you Carl. The multi polar, or more accurately multi nodal world that is coming into being, largely directed by Eastern countries, will I believe bring about this new state of unity. Humans now have the consciousness to live in peace, and the means to develop their worlds to sustain that peace. The turbulence we will be subjected too will be that of the reluctance of the current hegemon to accede to this new order and relinquish their war and profit based supremacy.
I could not agree more.
Thank You!!!
So important and interesting
Thanks very much to you and Sean Caulfield for sharing this information.
It is my understanding that the “bridges” that were necessary to merge the wisdom of the Mayan Calendar and the Nine Waves of Creation with our evolving human experience required a deeper “understanding” of how our human physical interpretation system works, our perception based upon whether we route information through the brain from fear, control or curiosity. The “user manual” for the evolving human was left out of the equation and bridges required. While the 7th Wave opened the potential for “wholeness”…humans still relied on influences outside themselves. We are poised, at this time, to reconcile that by bringing the ability to use our innate “intelligence/knowing” and our complex inner ability as Wholly Human to move forward using the “day/night rhythm” the Mayans left for us. The date August 21, 2024 coincides with the significance of what many are talking about. It has been part of the EarthProject timeline for 16 years…08/08/08-08/08/2024(08)
It may be that we will never be able to understand how our physical interpretation system works. Nothing can really observe itself, we can only observe aspects of our selves. I have pieced together such aspects of human history with shift points in the Mayan calendar and from this inferred the evolution of consciousness. As far as I know there is no time-keeping system that has been so massively evidenced.
Yes, there are many others that in different ways have expressed that the current month of August is a significant time. Even if people are not familiar with the Mayan calendar they may be intuitively aligned with it. Today for instance is a full moon that some people will ceremonially connect to. But many such alternative systems to the Mayan calendar simply leads astray, especially if you actually think that such a profound change as we are now part of in the Mayan calendar is caused by the Moon. I do believe that the Mayan calendar, which provides the only system that covers the entire history of the universe from the Big Bang and onwards is by far the most encompassing, and evidenced by all time-keeping systems and feel that we should all inform people such as those of the EarthProject of this situation.
Thank you Carl.
The known and unknown forces which play out in the cycles of life on our planet, also apply to our solar system, our galaxy and our universe…something beyond our comprehension…yet true…Carl is helping us to explore some clues to this understanding.
Dear Dr Calleman, I feel a profound sense of harmony with your writings on the Mayan calendar. I make no claim to understand all you say, but this note and your other writings give me a feeling of deep resonance with the underlying intelligence imparted. I think I understand the gist. Thank you. I would be so grateful to have some practical advice as to how I can become receptive to the new wave on 22/8. Through meditation, or a type of practice ? The era we are leaving has left me in a state of total confusion and despair about humanity. What can I do to use that day productively ? Please by warmest wishes. Christine Vesey
Hello Christine, I think we all need to work on means to put this into practice
to some extent in our own individual ways. Meditation or any spiritual practice that decompartmentalizes the mind may be useful because it could open us up for the new energies. I also recommend Patricia Albere Mutual Awakening to get a taste of the Ninth Wave.
But individual steps are not enough if we are to contribute to the planet. We would need to synchronize positive activities on a collective scale that align us with the incoming wave.
Tack för din enorma energi som nu gör kvantsprång till en ny medvetenhet om vår plats i Universum.
Bästa hälsningar
Carl John Président! Je plaisante mais depuis plus de 15 ans que je vous lis, j’ai toujours eu confirmation de ce que vous annonciez. Merci de tout coeur pour votre travail! Vive la vague!
Merci Brigitte, Vive la Vague!
Thank you!
A brilliant and very significant update! Thank you so much for your help Dr Calleman.
Thank you Carl. I have been looking forward to this new 8th wave trecena and so appreciate your brilliant perspective.
I want to forward this article yet Fig 2 is still not showing. ???
Thank you for all your great works as I have been following and learning from your books, podcasts, writings for many many years. Deeply grateful.
Thank you,
but other people can see fig 2 now. I see it. I do not know what is wrong.
I sent you the image on the email.
Best Carl
Thank you so much! This is startlingly wonderful and fits so well with all the different signs I’ve been receiving/studying. I’ve always known that I was born during these times to witness and help facilitate our world’s movement toward harmony and the awakening of our true natures and abilities. I lived in Mayan home territory (Yucatan) in the early nineties and learned much about the calendar, glyphs etc. This all sounds so reasonable to me. I feel so lucky to have found your work!
I was just talking to my friend about the end date of October 28th 2011 and how October 28th 2024 which is 13 years apart has a huge significance. The movie In Time with Justin Timberlake came out on October 28th 2011 and was very prophetic.
It is great if the movie with Justin Timberlane was prophetic. But today it is exactly thirteen 360-day years since October 28, 2011. In almost all ancient traditions the prophetic years was 360 days. This was not because people then did not know that the solar years was some 365+ days. It was because they realized that such a solar year was a physical year and that prophecy cannot be based on the physical reality.
Thank you very much Dr. Calleman!
From my point of observation the time period October 29, 2011-August 20, 2024 – as 13 Heavens of 360 days started with a Night – was actually different from the time period January 5, 1999-October 28, 2011 (the 8th Wave in its activation, obviously started with a Day). I remember that my inspiration (spiritual and creative) was maximum around the years 2007-2011, as well as a return in a sense to the materialism of the previous levels, a loss of inner references and some nihilism have been characterizing my years 2020 through 2024. The parallelism between the two 360-day trecenas, although of reversed sign, is clear to me.
But what is the opportunity that opens up today to live again the 8th Wave similar to its first activation? For me personally the fact that in 1999 I was not aware of the 8th Wave itself and, furthermore, that unlike 1999 now the level of conscious awareness, i.e. the 9th Wave, is also active, allowing a quantum leap in experiencing each and every wave (including the 8th). The balancing phase brought by the 8th Wave will be potentially recognised by much more people than the previous occurence of the same. This is hence a great moment of innovation; at the same time, I believe I can eventually perceive how cyclical time is needed to climb the pyramid and not something that can be devalued when fallen into “negativity” (darkness, valley).
Thank you Dr. Calleman for the possibility that you give us to be able to consciously enter into frequency with the various levels of creation. Special thanks to Sean Caulfield for his intuition and manifestation.
Thank you Marco. I guess there is more work to be done.
Hallâ Carl,
Thank you for this timely and much needed article.
I did appreciate Sean’s comments on Ian Lungold’s teachings and what he has done to share your work. Please, send him my best regards !
And as always,,
In Lak’ech, my friends.
Thank you Carl! I have been going back and forth regarding the Mayan calendar but now I’ve had several visions to confirm that my experiences are real and true. I started off sceptical and now I feel an unfolding about to take place. August 21st /22nd I felt a lot of love pouring out of me, I felt the desire to sit in stillness, pray, meditate and declare my will to serve gods will while declaring my allegiance to Mother Earth. Thank you your elegant explanations, I feel I have much to learn ahead but I’m excited to do so. Thank you from down under!