The Egyptian pyramids to modern people represent one of the great enigmas of human history and are constructions that tell us that there are things about the origins of human civilization that we do not understand. Thus, there are many who ask the question why the Egyptians built these pyramids. A total of 118 of them are known today, but among those, the ones in Giza are the most spectacular. The Great Pyramid alone is made from stones weighing some 6 million tonnes. Why put such efforts into building these monuments? This is a question that has preoccupied people for millennia, even though in more recent times, as you might expect, the question has shifted over into: “How did the Egyptians build their pyramids?” so that the mystery becomes more technical. Yet, even if we had the technical answers we would not immediately know why they were built, which is the question that will preoccupy us here.

A related question is why the Egyptian civilization emerged in such a very short period of time from the stone age to build these massive monuments. Could something have caused a mental quantum leap to have this happen? When explaining why the Egyptian pyramids were built, what in my opinion has generally been ignored is the question of what state of consciousness and what kind of mind these builders were dominated by. As in most attempts to understand human history, I think the evolution of consciousness has been ignored. This is true for both mainstream and alternative researchers and the result is that modern people think that the ancients had the same mind that we do today and that we can understand what they did from our own perspective. What I am suggesting here is instead that we will get a complete answer to why the pyramids were built and a starting point to understand how they were built, if we shift our focus to the state of consciousness that they were in and away from the more material aspects of these remarkable monuments. In this sense, the Egyptian pyramids have a message to modern people, which is that without such a shift we cannot understand human history. In this case, the mind that these builders downloaded some 5000 years ago was quite different from what it is today.
The Origin in the Benben
To start this inquiry, it is of course natural to begin by considering what explanations the Ancient Egyptians themselves gave to why the pyramids were built and this is something we actually know. According to them, the pyramids were built to honor and replicate the Benben, the primordial mound that had emerged from the watery chaos that earlier had dominated life on Earth. This primordial mound was symbolized by pyramidions, pyramid-like stones (Fig 2), that were erected at several different locations in Egypt and notably at the top of pyramids. The Benben was also symbolized by obelisks. Benben symbols were mostly four-sided as shown here, but there is at least one significant exception to this and this is the Great Pyramid at Giza, the largest and most prominent of all the pyramids, which is eight-sided. In the Pyramid Texts the Benben is sometimes identified as Atum, the primordial god from which everything arose and in the Old Kingdom capital of Memphis the Benben was described as the source of all good things.

To a modern mind, to honor a geometrical structure such as the Benben with huge pyramids may however seem incomprehensible, considering the enormous efforts that had to go into this and we would ask: for what? Moreover, why would this Benben be the source of all good things? many would ask. I will here however seek to demonstrate that the answers depend on what perspective you are coming from and how seriously you take this mythology. To me, this mythology makes perfect sense. A key to seeing how, is that the Benben is linked to the Bennu bird (believed to have been the origin of the Phoenix), a symbol of rebirth, and notably, calendrical cycles. This then implies that the partitioning in four directions of the Benben would be something that would cyclically go in and out, or could die and be reborn.
If we then take the step to identify the Bennu bird with a state of consciousness, which went in and out, much as how a sine wave goes up and down, everything can be seen to fall into place. All ancient peoples had a place for cosmic serpents in their mythologies, which to them would have been the most natural way of symbolizing sinusoidal quantum waves. Such Waves are in fact as I have described in several of my books real and have a real effect on human life all over the world. The reason we know this is that the Ancient Maya have given us the frequencies and activation times of these Waves and we can see how these match with history. To them, such a Wave went by the name of a Plumed (or Feathered) Serpent and it is by means of these Wave movements that we shall analyze the building of the Egyptian pyramids. What the Bennu bird, as well as the Plumed Serpent symbolized, and the corresponding cyclical wave movements described, is the evolution of consciousness in a process where certain states go in and out resulting in different historical eras. The approach here is then to stay precisely with what the ancients themselves were saying, but also to connect this with the facts as we know them from modern history and archeology.
In this article, I will focus on ancient Egypt and especially address the question why the pyramids were built at the time that they were. Related to the abovementioned wave movements – bringing the geometry of the Benben in and out at specific points in time – is the fact that the Egyptians looked upon the time when pharaonic rule was instituted and the upper and lower Egypt was unified, as a “new creation” by “the gods.” It was this renewal of the Bennu bird that made the pharaoh himself into a “god.” According to estimates by historians this happened when Menes unified Upper and Lower Egypt and became the first pharaoh around 3150 BCE.
Another thing we know of is the Old Kingdom creation myth in which the Ogdoad – four male/female couples of gods and goddesses – were said to have created order out of the watery chaos that had existed previously. The eight-part Ogdoad is then linked to the Benben (which at least in the Great Pyramid is eight-partitioned) and such an event of suddenly creating an order could be seen as a result of a quantum leap in consciousness. What speaks for this is that if we go by the so-called Long Count (or Sixth Wave) in the quantized Mayan calendar, such a leap took place in 3115 BCE, or in other words essentially simultaneously with the institution of pharaonic rule in Egypt. Could it then be that this quantum leap had resulted in an eight-partitioning of the world, replacing the watery chaos, and giving rise to Egyptian civilization?
The Cosmic Connection
Robert Bauval (Ref 1) has convincingly shown that the three Giza pyramids were built as reflections of the belt stars of Orion and in many ways, we can see that the Ancient Egyptians upheld a kind of “star religion” that directed their attention to the cosmos as a source of what happened on Earth. Hence, there is much to indicate that they wanted to create Earth as it were in Heaven. An even stronger argument that the consciousness shift had a cosmic origin comes from the ancient Maya, who wrote that at the beginning of the Long Count: “The First Father erected the World Tree,” so that “the Light could enter.” “It was made proper, the Raised-up-Sky-Place, the Eight House-partitioning is its holy name, the house in the north.” This event, the activation of the eight-partitioning, was said to have taken place in a location in the sky called “the Place of Creation” or “the Raised-up-Sky-place” (This refers to a specific identifiable cosmic location, Ref 2). Since pyramids are reflections of the Benben (four or eight-partitioned) and the eight-partitioning according to the Maya was activated in 3115 BCE, it makes sense that because the eight-partitioning at the Place of Creation was the source of the new consciousness, no pyramids were built on the planet preceding this point in time (Fig 3). (Leaving aside such that have not been recognized as authentic by professional archeologists.)

In principle we have the same story about an eight-partitioning in the Heavens from the Sumerians, according to whom there was a Heavenly Abode called Anu from which all “gods” emanated. Interestingly (Fig 4), the symbol for this Heavenly Abode underwent a change over time and displayed the clearest eight-partitioned geometry around 2500 BCE, which is the time when the eight-partitioned Great Pyramid was built. According to the carbon-14 dating of wood in the mortar in this pyramid the trees used had died 2871-2604 BCE giving support to the age estimate made by historians based on king lists (Ref 2), which has placed this at 2560 BCE.

I could go on for a long time and show symbols of eight-partitioning in the heavens from many different regions and all the religions of the world supporting its role for this creation. The geometry of that became predominant at about the time when according to the Maya a new “Heaven” was “raised” in the sky. What is relevant here is however that the pyramids seem to have been built as reflections of the four- or even eight-partitioning that took place in the Place of Creation. If we are willing to accept that this eight-partitioning, with its perpendicular lines was downloaded to the minds of the human beings, who then underwent a shift in consciousness, as we will see we will be able to understand their newfound creativity. We should then also make note of the fact that such straight and perpendicular lines do not exist in nature and certainly not in our brains. This means that the most straightforward explanation to the fact that people at this particular time started to create civilizations with pyramids, cities and many other things is that they had downloaded a new mind form the cosmic source.
The Shift to a Rigid Geometry of the Mind
Because of this quantum leap, the previously dominating floating state of consciousness was in 3115 BCE replaced by a geometrically structured state. This allowed people to create civilizations by projecting what they had downloaded. We can then realize the enormous power that this information (in fact structured as the Benben) from the cosmic source must have had on the Ancient Egyptians. It then also becomes understandable that they went out to reproduce the geometry of this new state of consciousness by building pyramids. Even though this happened in many different parts of the world (Fig 3), it was only in Egypt that there was a population and agriculture large enough to sustain a work force that allowed them to build pyramids on the monumental scale that they did. As a result, this new structured “Benben mind” allowed for the first emergence of civilizations in Egypt and elsewhere. We then have every reason to assume that people there felt gratitude for this (“all the good things in life”) and wanted to express this by monuments honoring the Benben. While this model of evolution, based on macrocosmic quantum theory may not be how many modern people understand the history of the world, it fits perfectly with the mythologies that the ancients themselves embraced.
So far, this description has essentially been a repeat of what I have written in books such as The Global Mind and the Rise of Civilization, The Nine Waves of Creation and Quantum Science of Psychedelics. It tells us why people in present-day Peru, Iraq, Egypt, Iran and Pakistan started to build pyramids shortly after the beginning of the Sixth Wave in 3115 BCE (in Egypt initially in the form of small elevated so-called Mastabas). Yet, this does not explain why they stopped building them and even if it in principle explains why the Egyptians built the Great Pyramid, it does not explain many of the remarkable facets of its construction that are beyond what we could reproduce today. Hence, in The Living Universe I took a new step that I want to develop further in this article. It pertains to the 5th Wave (call it 5th Serpent if you like) and the necessity of taking its unfiltered (and non-geometric) consciousness into account, which is then what in the past had made people experience themselves in a floating state. This is a Wave, which gave people an unrestricted connection to the divine (in the Place of Creation), but did not by itself help them to develop technology since it did not carry the geometry necessary for this.
The role of the 5th Wave for Pyramid Building
The 5th Wave was activated already in 100,500 BCE and had a twenty times lower frequency than the 6th Wave that would be activated later. These two Waves are shown in the same scale in Fig 5 and can be compared to the global pyramid building in Fig 3. For the 5th Wave, the only peak that is shown in Fig 5 is the seventh, which began in 5900 BCE and peaked in 1932 BCE. This peak brought a state of consciousness that allowed for the strongest connection to the divine that human beings had ever experienced. The consciousness state of the 5th Wave meant a total openness to the cosmic guidance (see below in Fig 5) and this characteristic played a significant role for the building of the most impressive Egyptian pyramids. The new state of mind of the 6th Wave was activated in 3115 BCE and from this point and onwards the interference pattern of the two Waves came to shape Egyptian history. The states of consciousness of the two Waves are also shown separately in Fig 5 where the 6th Wave in contrast to the 5th Wave has a filter and a geometrically partitioned mind (shown here as four-partitioned as most Benbens are). In reality the 6th Wave mind however has a three-dimensional structure and includes a much more complex geometry than can be shown here. Given however the geometric precision with which especially the Great Pyramid was constructed it only makes perfect sense that the geometry played a critical role for its construction and we may already start to wonder about what other effects such a quantum shift in the human mind may have on human creativity. At any rate, from before the point in time when the 6th Wave was activated, no real civilizations have ever been found and thus we have every reason to believe that this state of consciousness, including perpendicular geometries of the mind, was necessary for civilizations to arise.

The Bennu bird is reborn every time in the 6th Wave a new peak begins and dies
when the valleys begin and the resulting wave movement is what the Maya called the Plumed Serpent.
To gain a more complete understanding of how the Ancient Egyptians were able to create monuments to the Benben, we must now consider that the state of consciousness that a human being looks at the world through provides a composite filter created by the interference pattern of different Waves. In the human experience, we in other words are dominated by a unified state of consciousness even if this is made up from several such Waves, in this case the 5th and the 6th Waves (and all the lower Waves that these are based upon). Given this, we have reasons to study how the interference pattern between these two Waves have changed over time and what effect this might have had on the building of pyramids.
What it is possible to understand from this is that even if it was the downloading of the 6th Wave geometry of the mind in 3115 BCE that equipped the Egyptians the organization and building techniques for building their pyramids it was the unity consciousness of the 5th Wave that propelled them to do so and gave them the motivation to honor the Benben with such monumental works. Hence, locked upon in isolation from the change in consciousness brought by the peaking of the 5th Wave (Fig 5), their work had only resulted in simple mastabas. These did reflect the new perpendicular geometry of the 6th Wave, but were not on a scale of what would come around the time when the Seventh day of the 5th Wave peaked. It was only around this peak that the connection to the divine became so strong that the Egyptians became able to build pyramids with a technical prowess that is largely beyond our comprehension.
Previously, I have usually seen the 6th Wave essentially as an interruption of the 5th Wave, and that the 6th Wave by itself was capable of creating civilizations. But if it was the interference pattern between the two Waves that dominated the mind and it was the 5th Wave that brought humans to unquestionably follow the divine guidance, we can understand why the Egyptians at the time began to build pyramids that to this day we cannot reproduce (because new filters have been added to the human mind). Overall, the 5th Wave carried the “watery chaos” that their myths talk about, in contrast to the technical capabilities brought by the structured “Benben mind” of the 6th Wave. The many shamanic traits and therianthropic deities (hybrids of humans and animals such as Anubis) must also be explained by the unity consciousness of the 5th Wave, which did not separate the spirits of animals and humans. From this chaos of a mind that did not separate, the 6th Wave however brought the structured mind that is necessary for civilization. Even if we today may have doubts about its value, to the ancients civilized life was seen as a gift from the gods.
Getting the Archeological Dates Right
This significant role of the 5th Wave for the building of the pyramids notably explains why the Egyptians began building them in Saqqara around 2700 BCE and the Giza pyramids in the time frame of 2700-2500 BCE. I should here add that contrary to what a lot of people may think, the Giza pyramids have been dated according to several different techniques including the carbon-14 method, which give consistent results. Hence, there is very little reason to doubt them (Ref 4). Moreover, graffiti has been found inside the Great Pyramid written by the “the gangs, companions of Khufu”, meaning that this presumably was built in pharaoh Khufu’s reign. A very interesting study from 2014 has also dated the Sphinx by means of thermoluminesence (Ref 5), giving four different values (3100, 2740, 2220 or 1190 BCE). These dates place the Sphinx as broadly contemporary with the Giza pyramids, which is what makes sense rather than suggesting that it would be much older. The pharaoh was believed to be an incarnation of the god Horus, who in one of his guises was a lion. For this reason, we can take it for granted that the Sphinx was a symbol of the sacred pharaoh. To carve this Sphinx out of a cliff and building the three pyramids close to this would then presumably mean that the institution of the monarchy in Egypt, and the rise of civilization itself, were seen as going hand in hand with the very downloading of the new “Benben mind”.
Yet, the very fact that the 5th Wave goes back a very long time (100,000 years) must have meant that the pharaohs of the Fourth Dynasty, descendants of people riding this long Wave, presumably saw themselves as manifesting a very old plan conceived by their ancestors. This also means that the Giza complex presumably had been envisioned, and to some extent prepared for, during a long time, and in a practical sense at least (as studies at Giza have indicated) from the beginning of the Long Count. Because of their resonance with the 5th Wave, the Pharaohs of the Fourth Dynasty presumably also knew that this Wave actually only gave them a limited window of opportunity to manifest this plan and looked upon it as a responsibility to their ancestors to do so. Unfortunately, this is speculative since we do not really know what it would be like to live in the timeless space of this Wave, but we can say that it is something that was verified by the fact that later generations of Egyptians no longer knew what the pyramids had been for.
What Macrocosmic Quantum Theory Explains
Hence, maybe equally remarkable as the beginning of pyramid building and its peaking, is the fact that the Egyptians completely stopped building pyramids around 1800 BCE. Since the seventh day of the 5th Wave had peaked in 1932 BCE and then started to go down, people presumably no longer unquestionably followed the guidance from the Place of Creation. For the same reason, over time they even forgot why the pyramids had been built in the first place. The building of pyramids thus came to an end and in fact only took place in a limited window of time essentially defined by the peak in the 5th Wave (See Fig 5). Yet, already before this complete end, the workmanship had declined and the later pyramids to us do not have the same magical character as the earlier. Only as people were totally connected to the divine through the 5th Wave were they willing to faithfully reproduce on the ground the state of consciousness that was brought by the 6th Wave.
Looking at the building of the Egyptian pyramids in the light of the evolution of consciousness (the Mayan calendar system) and the macrocosmic quantum waves (serpents) that this is based on, then explains some things that for a long time have seemed enigmatic. One is that the Egyptian civilization seems to have been the most advanced (certainly in terms of monumental works) at its inception rather than in its later phases. The reason is that the seventh day of the 5th Wave peaked already about 4000 years ago and the monumental buildings could only be built within the relatively narrow window of time around this peak. Hence, there is no reason to postulate (without any evidence) the existence of any earlier civilization as civilization suddenly appeared and in certain respect was at its height almost 5000 years ago. Instead based on Macrocosmic Quantum Theory this is exactly what you would expect.
Another enigma that this model explains is the many physical constants and geodesic measurements that seems to be imbedded especially in the Great Pyramid. This pyramid is for instance remarkably aligned with true north (with an error of only 4 sixtieth of a degree) and its perimeter divided by its height is very close to 2π. Its perimeter also seems to be directly related to the circumference of the Earth as it is half a minute of arc of this value. Several other constants, such as the golden mean, Euler’s constant and the speed of light have also been proposed and some indisputably seem to be embedded in this the mightiest of the pyramids. Especially alternative researchers have then claimed that “the Egyptians knew much more than we give them credit for.” Agreed, they should be recognized for their accomplishments, but this does not mean that they embedded mathematical constants in their constructions in order for people to recognize these 5000 years into the future. Some would also suggest (without any evidence) that the values of these constants were given to them by some earlier technologically advanced civilization. What clearly speaks against such interpretations is that there is no textual evidence to support the notion that the Egyptians knew these values. Their level of mathematics as we can gather from papyrus texts was actually not very high.
Why then, if the Egyptians were not aware of these constants, would the Great Pyramid embody them? My explanation is that these constants were integral parts of the geometry of the state of consciousness of the Sixth Wave much like the circle or eight-partitioning are. As the Egyptians at the time downloaded this geometry from the 6th Wave state of consciousness, they would simply automatically create pyramids (reflections of this “Benben state of consciousness”) in which the values of these constants were embedded. These constants came with the territory if you were to replicate the Benben. To create a pyramid that had such features would however require that they would unquestionably reproduce the Benben mind that was downloaded. This was indeed facilitated by the very high state they were in in the window around the peaking of the 5th Wave. This is the reason that pyramids before and after this window, or elsewhere in the world, rarely incorporated such advanced constants or geodesic measurements, which have contributed to the magical aura of the Giza pyramids. Incidentally and as an aside, this would also imply that mathematics not to the extent that humans like to think is a product of the human mind in isolation, but is something that also in modern times requires downloading from a higher source.
The same factors presumably influenced the actual techniques for building the Great Pyramid, and the construction of the many perplexing feats that this displays in the form of precisely aligned shafts, granite blocks in the King’s chamber etc. (Ref 6), that we no longer quite can figure out how they accomplished. But if we consider that they wanted to reproduce a geometric structure from the divine source, we can see that they wanted to be very precise about it. (Consider for instance the difference between on the one hand being an engineer or worker trying to align a pyramid to true north because of a whim of a construction developer, and on the other seeking to do so because your whole being tells you that you have to faithfully reproduce a cosmic geometry downloaded in service to the divine). Thus, the resonance with the 5th Wave presumably made them totally committed to this aim, and so we may understand that these feats were possible. After all, solving any problem including technical such, depends much on your intention to do so. The peak in the 5th Wave and the ensuing intense connection to the divine then made them more or less automatically able to find solutions to the many technical problems that were associated with the building of this wonder of the world. Ultimately then, the construction of these pyramids would depend on a complete trust and immersion in the cosmic guidance coming from the Place of Creation. Presumably, and I as yet have nothing to base it on, the Egyptians looked upon their pyramids as a way to communicate to the cosmic source that the new Benben mind had landed on Earth and the reason for the immensity of their constructions was to make this visible.
The finding that Egyptian pyramid building occurred only in a window of time around the peak (1932 BCE) of the seventh day of the 5th Wave then in principle explains some of the aspects of these pyramids that we have come to consider as magical and incomprehensible. This includes the immensity of the constructions, the incorporation of mathematical constants and geodesic measurements as well as the fact that the building of these pyramids began and came to an end at particular points in time. The model presented is completely faithful to the ancient Egyptian mythologies of the Benben, the Bennu bird and the Ogdoad and much more than has been discussed here. It also explains why the Egyptian civilization seems to have been the most advanced at its beginning, which goes against today’s common wisdom of progress over time.
Some people might however want to argue that people in different parts of the world have built pyramids long after the time that the 5th Wave peaked. I obviously agree with this, as we can see from Fig 3. Typically, the building of pyramids also elsewhere seems to have served to establish new civilizations, presumably since they indicated that its adherents were able to assimilate the structured geometry that is necessary for these to flourish. Yet, even if I think that we have a lot to learn for instance from the Mayan pyramids, there is a significant difference between these and the pyramids built in the window provided by the peak in the 5th Wave. This is that regarding the Mayan pyramids we rarely wonder how they were built. We realize that with enough of an effort these and pyramids elsewhere could be built. Thus, they do not have some of the magical characteristics as those built in the window provided by the 5th Wave.
Why the Pyramids were built
I believe that the Egyptian pyramids may partly have been built as tombs for the pharaohs. After all, the Sphinx is sculpted as a pharaoh in a lion guise and the Great Pyramid has a famous sarcophagus in its midst and there is the abovementioned graffiti. Moreover, the pyramid texts talk extensively about the pharaoh, his cosmic connection and fate at death and so it does not seem unlikely that looters may have removed the mummified bodies from the pyramids when the consciousness of the Egyptians started to change and they forgot why the pyramids had been built. Yet, I believe that the idea that the pyramids served only as a necropolis very seriously misses the point. There is much more to the constructions at the Giza complex than tombs and if we want to learn what there is to learn from this, we need to take a broader perspective. Most importantly, we need to go back to what the Egyptians themselves were saying, which is that the pyramids were built to honor the Benben, which brought the good things in life.
Did the Benben, that is to say the state of consciousness of the 6th Wave (see Fig 5), then bring the good things in life to the Ancient Egyptians? Well, it brought civilization and the building of pyramids in its honor reflected this. Modern people may have become jaded with civilization and have also come to see its many negative sides. But the Ancient Egyptians were enthusiastic about something that took them out of a mere subsistence existence. What had transformed this existence in a very short period of time was the Benben, and if we look at some of the first steps of civilization, we can also understand that the Benben was at the origin of these.

The phenomena in Fig 7 are all phenomena that we associate with civilizations and emerged in Egypt around the time of the quantum shift to the 6th Wave. Hence, even if I will not here discuss their connections to the “Benben mind” in detail, if you look at them in light of the state of consciousness of the 6th Wave in Fig 5, I hope you are able to see how the phenomena in the left column can be derived from the properties of the mind in the right column in Fig 7. From these connections we may be able to understand that the Ancient Egyptians looked upon the Benben as the bringer of all good things in life and wanted to build pyramids that reflected this.
The actual participation of the many workers in manifesting the Benben geometry of these pyramids may also have served for them as a means to integrating the Benben mind and the 6th Wave. This would in other words mean that even if this mind could be downloaded from the cosmic source already after 3115 BCE, the actual work done to build these pyramids would transform the consciousness of the workers. Over time, as this integration became complete, the Egyptians would forget that this mind was something they had once downloaded from the cosmos that had been necessary for the constructions. Yet, the continued development of their civilization may have depended on them having integrated the Benben. In a sense you can look upon the constructions as people performing a ceremony on a very large scale involving their entire bodies and transforming their state of consciousness at the same time.
Maybe someone would object to this understanding by saying that people just by trial-and error 5000 years ago learned to create all the things listed in Fig 7. Yet, if this were the case, these phenomena would have appeared randomly over time. The truth is instead that civilization comes as a “package”, with most of its phenomena appearing simultaneously. This points to a single cause for all of these and the evidence suggest that this cause was a shift in consciousness. The fact that the different original civilizations on our planet – in present-day Peru, Egypt, Iraq and Pakistan – emerged essentially simultaneously with each other also implies that this quantum leap was global in scope, and in accordance with ancient texts had a cosmic origin.
Yet, while the model presented here may explain the source of the pyramids of the Ancient Egyptians, and the principled framework of these, it has little to add to how these were built in practice, regarding which there is a host of unsolved problems. Will we ever be able to know how they built the pyramids technically speaking? The acid tests for any such proposals would be if the constructions can be reproduced. Would this require that we are able to place ourselves in the state of consciousness that the Ancient Egyptians were in? Personally, I doubt that this will ever happen, even though I would be happy to be proven wrong on this point. As I have argued here however, I think it is possible to understand why the pyramids were built, even if admittedly it is an explanation that is outside of much of what preoccupies human beings today. But is this not exactly what would be expected, that the solution would be completely outside of our modern box? The reasoning presented here for instance depends on the basic notion that the development of technology – and in particular of the building of pyramids – depends on the state of consciousness of the builders and even this may be controversial. Moreover, to embrace this reasoning, a long overdue recognition that the evolution of consciousness is quantized is needed. With such theoretical tools we would however better understand why we are here and who our forefathers and foremothers among the ancients were and how they looked upon the world.
Ref 1. Robert Bauval and Adrian Gilbert, The Orion Mystery, 1995.
Ref 2.
Ref 3. Ana Maria Vazquez Hoys, Historia Antigua, Proximo Oriente y Egipto, 2007.
Ref 4.
Ref 6. See for instance “15 Reasons why the Egyptian Pyramids Scare Scientists!”
Carl Johan Calleman has a Ph.D. in Physical Biology from Stockholm University in 1984. He is mostly known for his eight books based on the Mayan Calendar system and having recognized this as being the only quantized such on our planet. His most recent books are The Global Mind and the Rise of Civilization (2016), The Nine Waves of Creation (2016), Quantum Science of Psychedelics (2020) and the most recent The Living Universe (2022).
4 thoughts on “Finally, we may understand why the Ancient Egyptians built their pyramids”
Dr Calleman, Incredibly enlightening insights. Thank you for your continued contribution to the integral evolution of human/cosmic consciousness connection.
I think that the Mayan pyramids serves as a sanctuary of consciousness in order to help humanity.
Every pyramid is both the same as every other pyramid and also unique in its consciousness.
From this humanity and individuals will get help to understand who they are and what consciousness is in order to understand themselves.
Future generations will be able to grasp this kind of knowledge.
It will help humanity to restore mental balance in a more sustainable way than today.
Yes, that is what my work is all about.
There is no reason to wait for future generations.
I have checked your website many times since the last blog was posted and am thrilled to find out this new article, Though I have read many of your books, I still find this piece enlightening. Thank You for sharing !