Previous Venus transits marked significant global developments in human communication, so what could be next when Venus passes in front of the sun on June 8, 2004? Could it mark the beginning of a breakthrough in intuitive awareness and telepathic communication? If you haven’t already marked the date of the Venus transit on June 8, 2004, in your diary, you might want to do so. Otherwise you could miss an astronomical event that only happens once in a lifetime. It is also the time of a global event when more people around the world are likely to be focused in a meditative state than ever before – the so-called Oneness Celebration. A Venus transit is when the planet Venus passes between the Earth and the sun – a sort of eclipse. It is far from a total eclipse because Venus only obscures a small area of the sun. One Venus transit lasts for 6-7 hours and they come in pairs separated by exactly 8 years minus two days. Such pairs of transits occur only rarely. Below is a list of the years of the most recent occurrences, where the second transit is given in brackets: 1518 (1526) Since there is no one alive today who was born in 1882 or earlier, the Venus transit in 2004 will be everyone’s first such experience. What may we then expect from this occurrence? To find out, it is worth studying what happened in the world earlier in the first of these pairs of transits. Around the world without falling off We may then note that 1518 was when the first circumnavigation of the globe headed by Magellan was in the planning stages though the ships actually set sail in 1519. The impact of this accomplishment on the minds of people was enormous. Through their journey, Magellan and the other captains showed undeniably that the world was not flat, but round. In the following years, a new world view emerged in which it was clear that humans inhabited a globe. The next pair of Venus transits approximately coincided with the emergence of the first national mail services (for example, Denmark, 1624; Sweden, 1636). So these transits also seem to be associated with human communication. Written communication between people, initially in certain countries, then became routine even over long distances. International cooperation There is much information about the Venus transit of 1761. Astronomers prepared for a long time in advance to study this transit because they were planning to use their observations as a means of measuring the distance to the sun. This goal could however only be accomplished if observations were made all around the world, and for this to happen, astronomers in different countries needed to collaborate. The transit of Venus across the sun was observed in 77 different places ranging from Karesuando to Pondicherry, Tobolsk to Tahiti and Beijing to Philadelphia. The point to realize here is that this was the first ever international collaboration project in the scientific community. Never before had scientists belonging to different national academies collaborated and it was the Venus transit that compelled them to do so. An important step was taken in bringing the planet together and it was taken through an impulse from the Earth’s sister planet Venus. Perhaps the idea of international collaboration in science was born at this time. If so, it was a crucial step in connecting the different peoples of the world. Rapid means of communication
The Venus transit in 1874 coincided with two notable occurrences in the development of the Earth: the founding of the World Post Union, and the completion of the Atlantic telegraph cable in the same year, which both marked fundamental steps in the development of global communications. In 1874, moreover, Bell had his first idea that led to the invention of the telephone, which was patented two years later. Therefore in 1874, for the first time, it became a possibility for people to routinely communicate around the globe as rapid means for doing this were developed. Needless to say, today’s Internet would not have been possible without these preparatory steps in the development of global telecommunications. What next? It is hard to avoid the impression that the very transit of Venus across the sun on these occasions in history has somehow served to concentrate cosmic energies and has sent an intensifying beam to planet Earth. In the years between pairs of Venus transits, the cosmic energies may be strongly amplified. Considering the occurrences accompanying these earlier Venus transits, and the steps forward in global communications that these have entailed, it is timely to ask what will happen as the next one takes place in 2004. What events and changes will accompany this? A fundamental difference compared to previously is obviously the advanced state of global communications that now already exists. Hence, almost everyone in the world will have advance notice of this Venus transit through newspapers, letters, telephones and the Internet. Let’s suppose that the major technological advances in communications between human beings have already been made. In that case, in contrast to earlier times, the Venus transit on June 8, 2004 could, herald a development of communications between human beings that is not based on technology. Awakening the right half of the brain It is known that in our everyday lives we use only a small fraction of our brain’s capabilities. The incoming cosmic energies during and after 8 June 2004 could favour the right half of the brain through which the intuitive faculties of our mind are mediated. We believe that the upcoming Venus transit will launch an era of communications utilizing our latent mental abilities. This intuitive mental field may to some extent always have existed, but following the upcoming Venus transit, human awareness of it will increase dramatically. This field favouring telepathic communication may be the most important factor in bringing about a harmonizing effect on planet Earth. Greater harmony Have you ever experienced that you thought of someone and the next moment that person rang you on the telephone or you bumped into them in the street? These are really only weak premonitions of the full effects of the telepathic field that could now be emerging. If a sufficient number of people become connected through this field, we may expect that they will be able to harmonize their activities in a much more natural way than is currently the case. To support the emergence of this is the whole point of the Oneness Celebration. Being able to see into, resonate with and connect to the thoughts and minds of others will have a host of consequences that are difficult to predict in detail, but still important to ponder. To many who are unprepared, some of the changes may in fact be shocking or hard to understand. We are all one Imagine what it would be like to live in a world without secrets, where you and others are unable to hide their thoughts from each other. It will become obvious in a much more profound sense than now that we are all one. If intentions or thoughts cannot be hidden in this strengthened field of intuition, an enormous amount of plotting against other persons, hidden agendas, etc, would become obvious. No one could develop secret plans for warfare, not even at a very early stage. No one could develop bad intentions against a fellow human being without this being obvious. Crimes against others would be clearly visible and the guilty person would be found out easily. Much of the ‘wheeling and dealing’ that goes on in the business world, where personal gain mostly takes precedence over the greater benefit for the world at large, would become inappropriate. The business world would become completely transparent. In personal relationships there could be an end to lies and deceit. If you take it one step further, with the development of more extensive telepathy, we would come to realize that there is no one to plot against. The whole idea of different individuals having opposing interests would lose its meaning. Those that enter fully into this new emerging telepathic field will live in a more joyful world. The downplaying of conflicts will allow them to live in harmony together. If we are part of this telepathic field, we would all start to become one. As we do, relationships between different individuals or groups of people will start to harmonize to a point where it will be obvious that hurting another is tantamount to hurting ourselves. It then seems clear that the breakthrough to a new level of telepathic contact would also mean that we have entered a new stage in the development of the consciousness of mankind. This stage would bring great harmony, since everyone would be attuned to everybody else. It sounds like utopia, but it could become a reality if enough people on Earth reach this higher level of human consciousness. It should be added that it is impossible to tell exactly what the effects of this emerging field of telepathy will be. (Imagine yourself at the time of the first circumnavigation of the Earth or the first cable link across the Atlantic, trying to grasp the consequences.) The Oneness Celebration It may then be in its place to discuss the relationship between telepathy and the Oneness Celebration of June 6-8, 2004. If the incorporation of a new field of intuitive mental communication is the next step in the development of mankind, the Oneness Celebration may be regarded as the great opening ceremony for this new field. As should be obvious from the initial discussion, Venus transits have a track record that associates them with major steps in the development of human communications. Because of this track record, the Oneness Celebration at this Venus transit is not just another one in a number of global meditations that for different reasons have been proposed in recent years. Rather, previous ones, most notably the Harmonic Convergence or Harmonic Concordance, may be regarded as preparatory for the Oneness Celebration, the Venus transit of June 8, 2004. This could trigger a major breakthrough in the development of a new telepathic field on planet Earth. For more information If a world of telepathy and transparency seems like a welcome change, we urge you to spread this message further and gather together in groups in your part of the world during the worldwide Oneness Celebration. Then you can be co-creators of the future. There is no commercial interest behind this event and there is nothing to lose, but a lot to gain for the world we live in. If there is anything we can help you with or if you would like to share or discuss your plans for the occasion, please contact us at Anders Bjärstedt is helping to coordinate a local Oneness Celebration in southern Sweden. He lives in Malmö, Sweden. He has his own web page in Swedish: Carl Johan Calleman ![]() |